Bhagya Dile Tu Mala

Bhagya Dile Tu Mala

In an argument in which you must stay true to the roots of your family versus advocate for a contemporary materialistic style of life, who will win? Bhagya Dile Tu Mala tells the tale of a humble, deeply rooted Kaveri as well as a contemporary materialistic Rajvardhan, brought together through fate. Will she be able to guide him to home, as her mother would like or do she fall short of confront the brutal realities of contemporary world? Do you think love will blossom or fall to the ego?

Production Company: Virat Entertainment

Director: Tanvi Mundale,Vivek Sangale,Nivedita Saraf,Nandini Vaidya,Sudesh Mhanshilkar,Janhavi Kilekkar

Cast/Actors: Kaveri Karekar , Rajvardhan Mohite , Ratnamala Mohite

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