Sab Satrangi
The show revolves around Mankameshwar Maurya Urf Mannu is a young man who believes in the premise that Agar maine kisi, saath-bossi the naya, and toh the saath is bhi kabhi, a ho'. This idealistic attitude places him in difficult situations. He is surviving a divorce. Family members who are benefiting from his. An unforgiving world trying to force Mannu to the ground. Mannu continues to find the bright side and have a positive attitude to the world.
Production Company: Parin Multimedia Pvt Ltd
Cast/Actors: Jayshree Arora , Daya Shankar Pandey , Mohit Kumar , Puru Chibber , Mohit Sharma , Hima Singh , Akshita Sethi , Samriddhi Singh , Satyajit Sharma , Deepak Kumar Bandu , Pulkit Bangia
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